Did you notice when Angie's List dropped the "list" and "e" from its name and became simply Angi? After 20 years as America's "go-to" place for finding home contractors, the company spent millions on a rebrand, including a new logo. With the company offering more than just lists, it was time. The new logo reflects that.
Does your logo need a refresh? If so, here are five factors to consider when undergoing a redesign.
1. Is it easy to recognize? Make sure that your logo is easily recognizable. When possible, retain enough elements from the previous logo to help people make the transition. Unless your logo is horrible to begin with, think "update," not "overhaul."
2. Does it represent who you are? Just because something looks cool doesn't mean it's a good logo. Make sure the new look represents the heart of your brand. If you are a summer fun destination in Ohio, make your water graphics look like rivers or lakes, not ocean beaches.
3. Can it be resized easily? Your logo will be used across multiple channels, so think about a design that can be easily scaled across print and digital, regardless of size. Your logo may appear on media as large as a billboard or as small as a mobile screen. Simple, vector-based logos can easily be adapted without losing quality.
4. Can it accommodate different color spaces? Your logo will appear in many places, and not all of them in color. Consider how your logo will appear in (or create secondary versions for) two-color or black-and-white.
5. Is it up to date? No matter how professionally designed, logos age. Color trends change. Typefaces go in and out of style. Keep your logo fresh and relevant. Research current logo trends and avoid those that say, "so last decade."
If it's time to refresh your logo, you may not want to go it alone. Let our talented graphic design staff give you some support!